Figure Out What's Next

Self-Assessment Tests

Feb 27, 2011

While self-assessment tests can't tell you what kind of work will make you happy, they can provide useful insight into the process of changing careers or seeking more satisfying work situations. Here are some of our recommendations...

Self-Assessments Tests

Planning a Career or Life Transition ***Recommended Test Combination***

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator + Strong Interest Inventory.  The combination of the Myers Briggs and Strong test is particuarly well suited to providing insight for individuals who are considering a midlife career change or major life transition. (Both tests can be found at

Exploring Your Work Values and Priorities

Career Values and Motivated Skills are two excellent tests that can help you get useful insights into how your values, priorities, and competencies relate to your potential work satisfaction.  Both these tests can be accessed for free at website of Steward, Cooper and Coon.  FREE.

Assessing Your Workplace Strengths and Weaknesses

The Work Personality Index (WPI) by Psychometrics Canada provides a measure of where you stand on seventeen personality dimensions that relate to performance and satisfaction in the workplace. 

Identifying Personal Character Strengths

Values In Action measures 24 core elements of human character that have been found to be universal and define what is best in people.  Results can help you to understand your essential self.  The top-line test results are available FREE.  A more detailed analysis can be obtained for a modest price.

Understanding Your Work Style and How You Relate to Others

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) provides insight into your own personal work style and is designed to help you to understand how to work more productively with other people. The complete MBTI test and a professional analysis can be arranged at

Lining Up Your Interests With Career Options

The Strong Interest Inventory is an in-depth assessment of your interests and how they line up against a broad range of occupations, work and leisure activities. You can access the Strong Interest Inventory at

Other Testing Options

You can explore other career aptitude and personality testing options, including FIRO-B, CPI 260 and others by using the special search tool at



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