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Life Values Self-Assessment Test -- Next Steps

jeremy koch self-assessment Jun 23, 2010
pile of stones

by Jeremy Koch

photo via pixabay

How To Use The Results of Your Life Values Self-Assessment Test

Congratulations on prioritizing your life values!  By systematically comparing each of the 11 core life values to each other value, you have created an important foundation for achieving a better balance in your life.  The next step is to start building on that foundation.

We recommend several approaches to help you put the results of your test to work. You may also want to compare your results to other test takers to see how your priorities line up with other people in life transition.    

  • Compare your results to other test takers
  • Develop an action plan to address your top priorities 
  • Work with a coach to help guide your efforts and overcome obstacles
  • Read more about setting priorities and achieving life goals


Develop an Action Plan

The following tips and action steps will help you to translate the results of your self-assessment test into a practical and effective program designed to help you achieve your major life goals:    

  • Focus your efforts.  We all know how important it is to choose your battles.  So for starters, concentrate only on the top 3 or 4 values on your list.  These are the areas of your life that naturally floated to the top of your priorities list in the LVAT exercise -- which means they are the values that are most urgently in need of your time and attention.
  • Develop a set of specific short term goals.  For each of these top priorities, identify 2-3 specific actions you can take to begin to move you forward in terms of addressing your needs for this life value.  These can be relatively small incremental steps – as long as they get you moving in the right direction. 
  • Be SMART.  To be most effective, these action steps should be meaningful, achievable, and measurable.  As you develop your list, work with the principle of designing your goals to be "SMART" -- that is, make them Specific… Measurable… Attainable… Relevant…and Time-bound.
  • Establish a system to monitor your progress.  In the crush of daily life, it is easy to set your priorities and goals aside and forget about them for weeks at a time.  To stay on course, you need to remind yourself of what you are trying to accomplish at least every few days.  Different people have different systems for staying on track.  Find one that works for you. 
  • Decide what you are NOT going to do.  As you begin to address values that need more of your attention, the time and energy that goes into this effort will have to come from somewhere.  Think about the activities in your life that are time-wasters or that prevent you from having the time to work on your more important priorities.  Make a conscious commitment to eliminating or significantly reducing the time you spend on those unproductive tasks or activities.
  • Refine and redirect.  Sometimes you will realize your initial action steps were unrealistic or off target in terms of moving you toward your ultimate objective.  If so, modify your plan.  It's OK to eliminate a particular action step.  Just make sure you replace it with one that is more realistic and productive. 
  • Don't be a perfectionist.  The most important dynamic is to build a sense of momentum.  Small wins and partial success still count as progress. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. 
  • Keep the process going.  When you achieve one of your goals, check it off your list.  Enjoy the satisfaction of the moment.  And come up with another action step to keep you moving forward.

Work with A Life or Career Coach

Many people find that working with a trained, professional career or life coach can be extremely helpful in navigating a major life transition or achieving a more balanced and fulfilling life. has a directory of life and career coaches who may be able to provide you with the guidance and coaching you need to overcome obstacles and achieve your personal life goals.  The site also has a wealth of useful articles on the process of coaching and about midlife career change in general.

  • Read about how to choose a life or career coach
  • Browse the coach directory

Read More About Achieving Life Goals

We have identified a number of useful articles on the web that focus on the issue of setting life goals and achieving a more fulfilling and balanced life.  Follow these links to learn more.    



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